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1. they bite a lot I'll tell you more than guinea pigs do

2.hamsters are omnivores

3.hamsters have less fur than other quinea pigs

4. they have a stout body with strong legs and wide feet.

5.hamsters life span up to 2 years old

6.the native habitats of hamsters are the deserts of Asia.

7.hamsters are color blind

8.hamster babies are known as pups

9.hamsters are normally allergic to Cedar

10. the teeth colour is yellow or white

Guinea pigs

1.guinea pigs can live with rabbits

2. guinea pigs life span is 8 years old

3.Guinea pigs can have alot of fur

4.guinea pigs make good pets for kids because they do not usually bite, nor do they scratch. have to bath a guinea pig and clip his nails but don't cut the red part if you do that that will hurt the guine pig and it well come out blood

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Q: What are facts about hamsters and guinea pigs?
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yes hamsters and guinea pigs are from the same animale family. That family is rodents.

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guinea pigs are not tlike hamsters after a day or too you can hold on hamsters will eat their young but guinea pigs wont

Will the male guinea pig eat his newborns?

No, unlike hamsters guinea pigs don't eat their you no matter what. No, unlike hamsters guinea pigs don't eat their you no matter what.

Why can't hamsters and guinea pigs live in the same cage?

because guinea pigs are aggressive

Guinea pigs are neither pigs nor from Guinea what are they?

Guinea pigs are from the same group of animals as hamsters, rats, gerbils etc. They are rodents.

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Are hamsters and guinea pigs mammals?

Yes, they are.

Do guinea pigs and hamsters get along well?
