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answ2. Cones. Assuming you mean the optical colour sensors, these come in three colour sensitivities, (just known as Short, Medium, and Long) and these give us colour vision. You have about 5 million cone cells in each eye, and about 90 million rod cells.

The rod cells see only light, not colour, but are about 100 times more sensitive than the cones. This is why at night, you have inferior colour vision.

Your cone cells are grouped in the centre of your vision, the fovea, and you'll easily be able to see things at night, "out of the side of your eye" by looking slightly away from your subject of interest. In fact, you may even see a 'hazy region' in the middle of the field of view where there appears to be no definition. This is because the (inactive) cone cells dominate in this region.

Most animals have no colour vision, for it is of no advantage to them. Birds, bees and butterflies have excellent colour vision (Up to five colour sensors) for their ability to distinguish fruit ripeness is vital to them.

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A resonator guitar is a subset of the acoustic guitar type. The noise is made by the use of spun metal cones or discs which are called resonator cones. They are quite common.

What is difference between seed cones and pollen cones?

Pollen cones are the male pollen-producing cones, and seed cones are the female seed-producing cones in conifer trees.Seed cones are gymnosperms, which means the seeds are not enclosed within an ovary (in Greek, gymno is naked).

What develops into cones?

Volcanoes can form cones. Pine trees have their seeds in cones.

Is there pollen cones and seed cones on the same trees?

Yes, in case of Pinus pollen producing cones (male cones) and seed producing cones (female cones) are present on the same plant. Such plants are called monoecious.

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female cones

What is made up of special nerve cells that are connected to the rods and cones?

the answer to that questions is the optic nerve