Intestines Intestines
It is the stomach lining of a cow. Or go to wikipedia......
a beef thief is also called a beef bandit,beefate,beef crime syndicate
Silverside Beef.
The study of the stomach and intestines is called gastroenterology.Gastroenterology is the study of the stomach or intestines.
The mesentery that surrounds the large intestines is called the mesocolon. It provides support and attaches the large intestines to the posterior abdominal wall.
Intestines are called intestines in medical terms. The medical terminology combining form meaning intestines is entero-
a Mary
A beef stew containing ale and using onions is called Carbonnade of Beef (or Beef Carbonnade.) This dish has its origins in provincial French cooking.
Corned beef is a salt-cured beef product. We used to say that it was pickled beef. The salt is large grained rock salt that is also called "corns" of salt, so that's why it's called corned beef.