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Free-Range for - Space to roam freely, organic, no pesticieds used, higher quality produce.

Against- More expensive, and hard to find open space for it

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Q: What are arguments for and against free range farming?
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What are christian views towards free-range farming will make food too expensive?

It is possible that a Christian will view free range farming as a disadvantage and make food too expensive. This is because there is a shortage of areas in which to have free range farming.

What do Christians think about free range farming?

I think that like most people, Christians regard free range farming as a good thing and feel that people should buy free range produce where possible.

Why should one consider buying a free range turkey?

Free range turkey ensures that the bird had better welfare when it was alive. Free range turkeys aren't farmed in cages which are often cramped. Buying free range encourages more sustainable farming, however some free range brands are not much better than caged farming.

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Free range chicken farming provides eggs that have better taste and a lot richer colored egg yolks. The meat also has a better taste and it is a more humane way of farming. Free range chickens do require more room and have higher costs but are well worth paying a premium for. Certified organic chickens are the top of the range.

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What are the differences between intensive farming and free range farming?

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For: Dissent is unpatriotic and dangerous and must be suppressed. Against: Dissent is part of free speech and is healthy in a democracy.

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For: Dissent is unpatriotic and dangerous and must be suppressed. Against: Dissent is part of free speech and is healthy in a democracy.

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The answer to the question that you ask really depends on the age of the student. Younger students need to have free time

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