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Corn is grown primarily in the states of Indiana, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska and Minnesota. You will also find corn growing in South Dakota, Michigan, Kentucky and Wisconsin. There is also a lot of corn grown in Missouri.

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Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont do not produce "reportable quantities" of corn. The US Department of Agriculture does not count smaller amounts which a gardener or small farmer might produce for their own use.

Alaska is the only state which cannot grow any corn at all, due to its climate and short growing season.

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Which states of the US grow corn?

All states except Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont produce corn. Iowa is the largest producer of corn in the US.

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Which states produce corn?

Corn can be grown in every US state except Alaska, due to its climate and short growing season.

What produce does Illinois trade to other countries or other states?

They trade corn, wheat, and apples

What Amount of corn produced in the top 5 producing states?

The top 5 corn-producing states are Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Indiana. Together, they produce over half of the total corn grown in the United States. Iowa is the leading producer, followed by Illinois and Nebraska.

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Farmers in states like Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa do not typically produce tropical fruits such as pineapples or bananas due to their cooler climates. These states are more suitable for crops like corn, soybeans, wheat, and livestock production.

Is corn grown in all 50 states?

Corn is produced in 41 states in the US with Iowa being the largest producer. The nine states that don't produce corn are Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

What does Ohio produce?

Corn wheat That is all i know lol well your weird.

How much corn does Wisconsin Produce?

It varies from year to year, of course, but Wisconsin farmers annually produce about 450 million bushels of corn each year. Over the last six years, it ranges from a low of 394 million bushels to a high of 518 million bushels.

Do pregnant corn snakes poop out yellowish liquid and what does this mean?

if the yellowish stuff is sort of pussy then corn snakes produce this when they feel threatened, so if a corn snake is pregnant she could be feeling more venerable therefore produce the pussy stuff more than normal but not just female pregnant corn snakes produce this, all corn snakes do when they feel threatened.

What state of the mid-western states produce more corn than Illinois?

Since Illinois is the second-highest corn producing state in the United States, any state except Iowa (which is the top corn-producing state of the US) would qualify as an answer to this question, from Nebraska (third-highest corn-producing state) to Utah (38th-highest corn producing state).