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To name but a few... Cherry
Dutch Apple
Pumpkin Chiffon
Key Lime
Lemon Meringue
Frozen Yogurt
Minced Meat
Chocolate Silk
Peanut Butter
Banana Cream
Coconut Cream

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14y ago
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14y ago

As far as types of pies, you have your fruit pies, which usually have a crust on top. For soft pies, you have cream pies, which have whipped cream on top, and meringue pies, which have a meringue on top.

There are many different flavors of pie, but it seems apple is the most popular among the fruit pies. Other mainstays are cherry, blueberry and peach. If you're interested in cream pies, chocolate and coconut cream are by far the most popular.

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10y ago

Different types of pies include pecan, apple, cherry, key lime, and sweet potato. There are also mincemeat, Chess, and icebox pies.

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14y ago

There are TONS that haven't even been discovered yet! So go beyond blueberry, dude!

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14y ago

Pie is the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my whole intire life and that is my life story by...... a person (I'm really an alean

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What are different types of pie?

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No. There are far too many different types of pie for "pie" to be considered a flavor.

What type of pie can be frozen?

All types.

Is pie gross?

I do not find them horrible but rather yummy but To some people it is. Pies come in all different flavors, some vegetable others fruit.There are many types such as pumpkin pie, apple pie, cherry pie, and more. So you might find at least one that you like.

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How do you make a pie?

There are hundreds of different types of pie, savory and sweet. A pie is basically any soft filling surrounded at least partly by a pastry crust. You'd have to be more specific about the type to get instructions.

What is a pie crust?

A dough used to contain different types of sweet or savory fillings, generally with a top of the same pastry and baked

Do all people like pie?

Since there are so many types and flavors of pie, it is highly likely that everyone likes at least one type.