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There are many species of cichlid that could be kept in a 20 gallon tank. The important thing is to follow the basic rules of sucessfull fish keeping. Those rules are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you do all the above, feed the fish morning and evening and keep it/them at the correct temperature your fish stand a chance of survival. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will live shorter lives than they should.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Any fish that doesn't grow too big would do well in a 20 Gallon(80 Liter) aquarium. You could put about 5 goldfish in it or a lot of smaller fish like tetras. Just be sure whatever you put in there together doesn't eat the other fish. You can find a fish compatibility chart in the sources and related links(below).

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Most chicliads like parrotfish, Green terrors, jack demseys ( NOT ELETRIC BLUE) Jewlfish, and many more just go to a pet store and ask to see chiclaids or catfish they can go together.

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Q: What aquarium fish are aggressive?
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What is the most aggressive aquarium fish?

Snake-heads which are now illegal and that's if your talking about freshwater aquarium.

Why are betta fish known to be aggressive towards other fish in an aquarium?

Betta fish are known to be aggressive towards other fish in an aquarium because they are territorial by nature. Male bettas, especially, are known to be aggressive towards other fish, as they see them as potential threats to their territory. This behavior is a result of their instinct to protect their space and establish dominance.

Are Serpae Tetras aggressive towards other fish in the aquarium?

Serpae Tetras can be aggressive towards other fish in the aquarium, especially if they feel threatened or if they are in a small space with limited resources. It is important to provide plenty of hiding spots and space for all fish to reduce aggression.

What could be the reason for the missing fish in the aquarium?

Possible reasons for missing fish in the aquarium could include overfeeding, water quality issues, aggressive tank mates, or potential disease outbreaks.

Are white skirt tetras known to be aggressive towards other fish in the aquarium?

White skirt tetras are generally peaceful fish and not known to be aggressive towards other fish in the aquarium. However, like any fish, their behavior can vary depending on the individual and the tank environment. It is always important to monitor their interactions with other fish to ensure a harmonious community.

Can betta fish live peacefully with any other fish in a shared aquarium?

Betta fish are typically aggressive and territorial, so they may not live peacefully with other fish in a shared aquarium. It is best to keep bettas in a tank by themselves to prevent any conflicts.

Why are my fish disappearing from my aquarium?

There are several possible reasons why your fish may be disappearing from your aquarium. Some common reasons include inadequate water quality, overfeeding, aggressive tank mates, or potential predators like other fish or invertebrates. It is important to regularly monitor and maintain the conditions in your aquarium to ensure the health and safety of your fish.

Are black skirt tetras known to be aggressive towards other fish in the aquarium?

Black skirt tetras are generally peaceful fish and not known to be aggressive towards other fish in the aquarium. However, like all fish, their behavior can vary depending on the individual fish and the specific tank conditions. It is always important to monitor their behavior and provide a suitable environment to prevent any potential aggression.

What are some non aggressive tropical fish that are also very beautiful?

There are a lot of non aggressive freshwater fish, usually at pet stores the signs describing the fish tell you whether or not they are aggressive like tropical community, semi- aggressive, etc.

What does it mean when scales peel off your fish?

Typically scales come off a fish if they have injured themselves against something in the aquarium, if there is another aggressive fish in the tank, or if they are ill with a parasite that needs to be treated.

Are Black Skirt Tetras aggressive towards other fish in the aquarium?

Black Skirt Tetras are generally peaceful fish but can sometimes exhibit fin-nipping behavior towards other fish, especially those with long fins. It is important to monitor their behavior and tank mates to ensure a harmonious aquarium environment.

Can a blue tangs eat a clown fish?

Yes, Blue Tangs and clownfish are good tank mates, and generally ignore eachother.