Invertebrates and vertebrates are the animals that eat tomato plants. Examples of invertebrates include aphids, blister beetles, cutworms, earwigs, flea beetles, horn-worms, Japanese beetles, leaf-footed bugs, leaf-hoppers, nematodes, potato beetles, slugs, snails, stink bugs, tomato fruit-worms, two-spotted spider mites, white-flies, and wire-worms. Vertebrates range from chipmunks to deer, mice, rabbits, raccoons, rats, squirrels, voles, and woodchucks.
The person who asked the question has said: "We are having trouble in our garden that as soon as our tomatoes turn red AT ALL, the next morning they are GONE! Or the larger ones are sometimes found half eaten laying in another spot in the garden. Help! We have not gotten to eat one ripe tomato this season!!!"
Answer:It can be - ground hogs, rabbits, possums, raccoons, squirrels, rats, birds or even other animals like deer! Depending on where you live.
Of what I know a turtle usually eats wildflowers in the grassland.
I'm pretty sure they can eat tomatoes.
Deer eat asparagus at night and groundhogs during the day time.
Tomatoes seeds travel when birds eat them then dispose of them, and also when the wind carries them.
The duration of Killer Tomatoes Eat France is 1.57 hours.
yes! catbirds eat tomatoes. every time one starts to get ripe they eat little chunks out of it!
practically anytime, but mostly at night because they are nocturnal animals.
Box turtles love tomatoes.
to eat...?
No. Tomatoes are too big for ladybugs to eat.
Possums are unlikeky to eat green tomatoes. They like ripe, sweet fruits.