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there is many adaptation fish have to survive like they have gills to breath under water and a fin to swom better

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Q: What adaptations do fish have that allow them to live in eater?
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What are the three adaptations that allow fish to live in water?

Some of the adaptations that allow fish to live in the water are gills, fins, and scales. The gills allow the fish to live in the water. The gills allow the fish to extract oxygen from the water. The fins allow the fish to swim through the water and help it stear itself. For the scales I'm not sure!

What are three adaptations that allow fish to live in water?

Gill and fins,scales

Can Oscar fish live with algae eater fish?

Yes, I have had lots of experience with Oscars. One of mine died recently from a sickness. Algae eater fish are not dominant, in this case the Oscar does not take it as a threat and does not bother it. The answer to your question is yes, an Oscar can live with an algae eater fish.

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Which of these adaptations enables a fish to live underwater?

Gills are the adaptation that enables a fish to extract oxygen from water and release carbon dioxide. This allows fish to respire efficiently while living underwater.

Can an algae eater fish live in an outside pond in Ohio in winter?

no they cant

What adaptations have fish made to let live in water?

Some of the adapataions that allow fishs to live in the water are gills, fins, and a streamlined body shape. The gills allow the fish to live in the water. The gills allow the fish to extract oxygen from the water. Its stream lined shape allow the fish to swim quickly through the water without having major problems. The speed of the fish helps it to out run its predator. The fins allow the fish to swim through the water and help it stear itself. Fishs also have many other adaptaions such as specilized eyes that can see in the depths of the ocean with very little or no light. it also has scales which dont allow water to go in its body

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Is the bottle nose dolphin a meat eater?

Yes, they live on a diet of fish, crustaceans, and squid.

What are some adaptations that allow great white sharks to live in their environment?

through mitosis

How long to Chinese algae eater fish live?

around 2 to 2 and a half years.

Can a goldfish die simply because the eggs won't release?

No it wont it just have its eggs and still live but don't get an algae eater if do, get one because they will eat your fish but it only a Pecos algae eater they will eat your fish they don't move in the morning but they are active at night