

What Types of crayfish?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: What Types of crayfish?
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What types of fruit does a crayfish eat?

i don't know. that is why i am asking you.

What types of things eat crayfish?

Humans, bass, otters, mink and raccoons.

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A pond is a home for what animal?

Fish, frogs, turtles, crayfish, many types of bugs... lots of things.

What are some types of crustaceans?

Crayfish, lobsters, and crabs are all examples of crustaceans.

Can shrimp crabs and crayfish live together?

if its a young crayfish and a big cichlid itll eat the crayfish if the crayfish is a adult they will pick on each other as long as the cichlid isn't big enough to put the crayfish in its mouth and the cichlid isn't slow enough for a crayfish to catch

Is a crayfish a predator?

Crayfish have a few natural enemies, ranging from Great Heron, or Egrets, to types of large, toothed fish such as Catfish or Bass. Mammals will even eat them, too. This includes muskrats, otters and even some bear types such as Black or Brown Bears. -Hope this helps

What do they call crayfish in Australia?

Crayfish are known as both crayfish and yabbies in Australia. "Yabbies" are freshwater crayfish, often found in rivers, creeks and dams in rural areas.

Is your crayfish dieing?

My older crayfish died and my littler crayfish has not yet how do/can they die?

What does the exoskeleton do in a crayfish?

protects the crayfish

Is a crayfish a herbavoir?

Crayfish are omnivores.

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