

What Does A Molly Eat?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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14y ago

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I have aMollie at home and i feed them normal tropical fish flakes i break 2 flakes up into tiny pieces so it is easy for the fish to swallow. you can get the flakes from a local pet shop or vet make sure you feed them once a day thanks for reading!

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In general, gold dust molly fish do not intentionally eat their babies. However, there is always a small risk of cannibalism, especially if the babies are left unattended or if the mother is stressed. Providing plenty of hiding spots and plants in the aquarium can help protect the fry from being eaten.

What do mollies eat?

Well it depends. I had a molly and she did not eat any of her babies. I had another molly and she did eat her babies. So if she starts to eat her babies make sure you take them out. Sometimes she looks like she will eat her babies, but she is helping them to start swimming. That what my first molly did. All mollies are different.

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because molly seeary told them to

What do Amazon Molly fish eat in the wild?

Algae, fish fry and small insects

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What do pregnant silver molly fish look like?

Really fat. First the molly silver when she get pregnant she would take 50 day to 70 days to give birth to his baby but take the female a part of the MALES molly Silver the male is going to eat the baby and kill them one by one I telling you because today my female molly silver gave birth today and the male and other kind of molly they would eat the baby take the female apart please do it know before is to late

What is the moral of the book the hearts of horses by molly gloss?

santa eat the person and thats how he died

What do dalmatian molly fish eat?

it will eat most tropical fish foods but also give them some chopped lettice and blood worms