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A mother hamster has multiple teats on her underbelly. The baby hamsters will latch on to these teats and feed on the mother's milk. After a few weeks the babies will start to eat regular hamster food.

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Q: Were do mum hamsters feed there baby hamster?
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What to do with a 8 day old baby hamster if the mum is dead?

Put some milk into a medicine dropper and slowly put some in the hamsters mouth. Hopes this helps.

Will 3 week old dwarf hamster babies eat the newborn dwarf hamster babies?

My hamsters baby's were nearly 4 weeks old when we found she had given birth to more babies and they seemed to protect them with mum

How long do you have to leave the baby hamsters with there mum?

Six weeks.

When mummy hamsters have babies and 1 is weak does the mum eat the baby?

No the baby will probably die on it's own

How long does a baby elephant feed from its mum?

a elephant feeds off its mum for 11 years :)

How do you hand feed 4day old baby hamsters because the mum is tying 2 eat them?

I'm sorry, but you can't. If the mother is trying to eat them, that means she feels threatened, or she knows that the babies are sickly/ill. I would just let nature take its course. You cannot feed 4 day old hamsters.

How do you make your parents let you have a hamster?

Prove to her that you really want one. You could do this by helping with housework, helping look after another pet like one belonging to someone you know, look after someone you know hamster to prove to your mum you know how to look after them and you could research into hamsters to prove to your mum that you really want a hamster.

Why is my baby hamster not taking milk from mum?

it could be sick you should talk to your local vet.

How long do you leave baby hamsters with there mum?

Baby hamsters should stay with their mother for at least 3-4 weeks to ensure they are properly weaned and able to eat solid food on their own. Separating them too early can lead to health and behavioral issues. It's best to let the mother hamster naturally wean her babies before they are separated.

What do I do if I have a hamster that had babies and they are now a week old and one looks ill but then the mum tried eating the sick baby so I managed to get him away and how do I feed the poor baby?

If a baby hamster appears ill or weak, it's important to keep it warm and consult a veterinarian experienced in small animals for guidance on how to care for it. You can try feeding the baby hamster a special formula designed for nursing hamster pups, using a small syringe or eye dropper if needed. Keep the baby separated from the mother to prevent further harm.

Your mum is not against having a hamster she only says you travel too much the hamster will get sick how can you still convince her?

(just to say that you need to hold your hamster LOADS if you do travel so it will stay tame, it is a good idea to get a hamster sitter when on holiday to feed your hamster) hope i helped ox

When should you take baby hamsters away from their mothers?

i have had a book when i got my first hamster it said u should take the babies from the mum as soon as there born.Because there mums my eat them no you do not take them away right when they are born. they need to drink milk from their mother. they are mammals. and the only reason the mothers eat them is they are sick. but in some cases they are just not good moomies or do not want to feed them, or might not even have enough milk for them and theyd die anyway.