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yes of course.. Mohammad (saw) was the last prophet, and there was many messengers before him.

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No! Muhammad was born more than 600 years later!

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Q: Was Muhammad born before the birth of Jesus Christ?
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Was Muhammad born after or before Christ?

Muhammad was born approximately 600 years after Christ. Since the real birth date of Christ is unknown, an exact number cannot be given.

What do the abbreviation BC mean?

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Was Muhammad born after the birth of Jesus Christ?

Yes. His birthdate is generally accepted as 26 April 570 AD.

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"Anno Domini" means "Year of Our Lord" in Latin. The Lord refered to is Jesus Christ and for the purposes of dating it is assumed (in this system) that The year 1 AD is the date of Jesus Christ's birth although many modern historians have suggested alternative dates. This sytem was popularised by Bede. The dates are simple to understand, the present is the year AD 2009 or 2009 AD, which literally means 2009 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. Dates before the birth of Jesus Christ are give the appelation BC (before Christ) and the larger the number the further before the year 1 AD it is. So 2 years before the birth of Jesus Christ would be 2 BC but 1000 BC is 1000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.

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What is bc abbreviation for?

Bc is commonly used as an abbreviation for "before Christ." It is used in historical and archaeological contexts to refer to periods of time prior to the birth of Jesus Christ.

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In the Bible, BC stands for "Before Christ." It is used to reference time periods before the birth of Jesus Christ.

How can you be born in 69 bc and die in 30 bc?

BC stands for "Before Christ", and is the number of years before the birth of Jesus Christ.