What is the meaning of anno domini sistem?
"Anno Domini" means "Year of Our Lord" in Latin. The Lord
refered to is Jesus Christ and for the purposes of dating it is
assumed (in this system) that The year 1 AD is the date of Jesus
Christ's birth although many modern historians have suggested
alternative dates. This sytem was popularised by Bede. The dates
are simple to understand, the present is the year AD 2009 or 2009
AD, which literally means 2009 years after the birth of Jesus
Christ. Dates before the birth of Jesus Christ are give the
appelation BC (before Christ) and the larger the number the further
before the year 1 AD it is. So 2 years before the birth of Jesus
Christ would be 2 BC but 1000 BC is 1000 years before the birth of
Jesus Christ.