he found you
Frank C. Mars
Because people thought the milky way needed something to represent it's creaminess.
frank .c. mars is the president of the mars candy company
September 24, 1883
Mars bars were named after the company's founder, Frank C. Mars, not the Roman god Mars. The company adopted the name to pay tribute to its founder's last name.
Milky way
The Mars Candy Company was founded by Frank Mars.
The Milkyway candy bar was registered as a trademark on March 10 1925 by Frank Mars and claimed first use date of 1922.
Frank C. Braxton Jr. [1929-1969]
Murrie and Mars. Or, Mars and Murrie, if you prefer. They were named by Bruce Murrie and Forrest Mars, who struck a deal between their two companies to make them. Bruce Murrie was the son of Hershey's president William Murrie, and Forrest Mars was the son of Mars Candy Company's founder, Frank C Mars.