I feel there is something special about 2009 wine. I am not an expert but , 2009 must have had the right amount of rain, sunshine...something, because i am always pleased with my 2009 selections. enjoy, Cheryl!
"Good luck for the New Year!" in English Buona fortuna per il nuovo anno! in Italian.
The name of the winners of the Italian Serie A for the season ending in the year 2009 is Inter Milan.
Life was good
I think a good slogan for 2009 is 09 is so fine I think a good slogan for 2009 is 09 is so fine
Service to Others
"No it cannot become a vintage wine as 2006 was not a vintage year. Storing has nothing to do with vintage wines." Bad advice, with no knowledge or explanation. Vintage does not refer to the quality of the wine. it is a term to do with the year in which the wine was vintaged. As for the quality of 2006 vintage Chateauneuf du Pape, they are charming wines with a more forward personality, than their more lauded siblings the 2007 vintage. These wines where overlooked by the consumers due to the media frenzy surrounding 2007. These wines are of generally good to excellent quality, and will benefit from medium to long aging, but will not have the lifespan of something like the 1989 or 1990 vintage or probably the 2007. excellent additions to ones collection, as it will give you fully mature, ready to drink wines, whilst you patiently wait for the 2007 and 2009 vintages to come into there own. Storage has everything to do with good wine, and its enjoyment. Bad storage will spoil the best of wines, good storage conditions (55degrees, dark, vibration free), can enable even average wines the chance to age well. Nothing can be done for the poorly made, or disastrous whims of nature, except for maybe vinegar! In wine there is truth, let there be truth in wine!!! The Graped Avenger
The wine is blended for consistency. That eliminates variability in quality from year to year.
The name of the Italian Serie A winners for the season ending the year 2009 is Inter Milan.
"Happy New Year!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Buon anno! The masculine singular adjective and noun translate literally into English as "Good year!" The pronunciation will be "bwo-NAN-no" in Italian.
well, it depends what year of president, the president of 2009 is good!
No, Galileo Galilei, the famous Italian astronomer and physicist, lived from 1564 to 1642.
There are some simple rules but they are not universal and depend on storage vessel and conditions. Beer can keep for several months but a few weeks is more normal, and years is a rare thing. Certain red wines and most sweet wines (especially whites) will keep and improve for many decades, even centuries. Fortified wines similarly. Most common, cheap white and red wines will deteriorate after a year or two, some long before that. Cost itself is not a good indicator - I have drunk very cheap sweet wines and reds 2-3-4+ years old and they have been fantastic compared to when young. But they are exceptions.