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True. By most laws and regulations, pure maple syrup must be produced simply by concentrating (by boiling or reverse osmosis/boiling) pure maple sap.

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Q: True or False the sole ingredient of maple syrup is maple sap?
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Maple syrup is made by collecting sap from trees?

Yes. The sap is then boiled down to make the thicker and sweeter maple syrup.

Is maple syrup made from collecting sap from trees?


How do you get maple syrup from the maple tree?

The method of making maple syrup is; You have to put a tube into a maple tree,and then the syrup comes out from that tube.You then need to boil it in a large,heated bowl for the water to evaporate and the sugar to stay put, Hope this helped! :)

Which state produces the most maple syrup?

Quebec accounts for 93% of Canada's maple syrup market.

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