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15y ago

330* is a good temp or cooking bite sized breaded fish

Cooking time at that temp is 3-4 minuets

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14y ago

350 F.

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Q: To what temperature do you heat peanut oil to deep fry fish?
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How do fish get warmer or colder?

Fish are cold-blooded so their body heat change with the temperature of the water.

What is the specific heat capacity of fish source?

To work out the specific heat capacity of fish source sauce you would need to first find out the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of the substance by 1oC

What can regulate their body temperature by producing heat through metabolic processes?

An Endotherms can regulate their body temperature by producing heat through metabolic processes. Birds and mammals are Endotherms as well as some fish.

Why are deep sea monsters colorful?

deep sea monsters do not exist (i dont know if the loch ness monster exists) to my knowledge. but there are very bright coloured fish in the tropics. but to keep one you need sun-bed related heat in the fish tank, otherwise the fish could die.

Are Mudfish warm blooded or cold blooded?

Mudfish are cold-blooded, which means their body temperature fluctuates based on the temperature of their environment. They are ectothermic, relying on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature.

How can a peanut heat water?

If you burn a peanut it will keep aflame for a long time underwater, and boil the water

Thermoregulation organ?

An organ in some animals that allows for the regulation of body temperature, such as a countercurrent heat exchanger in some fish.

How are mammals differnet to fish?

mammals are warm blooded and give birth to live young, fish lay eggs and are cold blooded, meaning they get their body heat from the temperature around them

Can the energy in a peanut heat water?

Yes it can by the chemicals being released to boil water.

What drives deep ocean currents are driven?

Deep ocean circulation(90% of ocean water) is caused by differences in temperature, salinity and suspended load. It is referred to as "Thermohaline"- meaning heat and salt- circulation.

Does eating fish generate heat in the human body?

Eating fish can provide a source of protein and healthy fats, which can support metabolic function. However, the act of eating fish itself does not generate heat in the body. The body generates heat through processes like metabolism, physical activity, and maintaining its core temperature.

What happen to the body temperature of fish when temperature of water drops?

Fish are warm blooded animals. They do not have much of a problem with a small change in temperature. Cold blooded animals such as snakes need to keep warm and can sometimes be seen laying on rocks to collect heat from the sun. Now fish do slow down in water that has a larger drop in temperature. They can almost become dormant, but still need to move and eat but at a much slower rate. Just like any other animal a fish could suffer from hypothermia. if you are talking about pondfish, they will survive if the water is deep enough if it is a small shallow pond it maybe better if the fish would be taken inside. If you are taking tropical fish in an aquarium it is best to keep the temperature as steady as possible. But if that is not possible they still should survive but not for a long long time. It is always best to double check with a trusted store that sells fish.