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Q: Three main goals of mixing cake batters?
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Related questions

What are the three main goals of mixing cake batter?

mix all of the chunks out don't over mix and don't under mix

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how does over mixing and under mixing affect butter cake

What do baseball teams and birthday cakes have in common?

batter (cake batter and baseball batters)

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When do you need to stop mixing cake mix?

You need to stop when it looks like the dry cake mix is mixed in all the way or stop when the cake mix is creamy.

Can you bake a cake in any glass mixing bowl?

Yes,Of course you can I have before

Can a marble cake be made by making two different batters and swirling together?

yes because that is the way the cake is made.

How do you make a cake made with cola?

Most cake mixes call for water. Simply substitute cola for water when mixing the batter. I tried this with a chocolate cake mix once and it was delicious!

What are the two common mixing methods for making shortened a cake?

By hand or with an electric mixer.

What is an anologie for phase and stage?

An analogy for phase and stage is baking a cake. The phase would be the overall process of making the cake, which includes gathering ingredients, mixing, baking, and decorating. The stages would be individual steps within the phase, such as measuring ingredients, mixing batter, baking the cake in the oven, and adding frosting.

How can you make cat frosting for your cats cake?

I must admit i never made a cake for my cats, but you could try blitzing a favourite meat and mixing it with cream.

What are the functional properties of eggs in cake batters?

Eggs are used to help the batter set,