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Q: They left russia to escape religious persecution?
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Who left Russia to escape religious persecution?

The Jewish people

What was the primary reason the pilgrims left for American?

To escape religious persecution.

Primary reasion pilgrims left Holland for America?

to escape from religious persecution

Who was the separatistgroup that left England to escape persecution?

The Quakers a.k.a. The Religious Society of Friends

Why did the Pilgrums leave their homes?

The Pilgrims left their homes in Europe to escape religious persecution. They were seeking religious freedom and the opportunity to practice their faith without interference from the government or religious authorities.

Why did the puritans come to north America?

The Puritans came to the US to escape religious persecution in Europe. They left England, many going to Holland so that they could worship in their way instead of that of the Church of England. In Holland, persecution from the Catholics eventually led to their immigration to the Colonies to allow them religious freedom.For religion.

Why did the pilgrims run away from England?

The Pilgrims left England and the Netherlands to escape religious persecution. They found that freedom in the New World in Massachusetts.

Why did europeans leave England to settle America?

in a short answer - for religious freedom, adventure, and political freedom and a hope for new opportunities

Why did this immigrants family decide to move to the US?

Many families moved to the US in order to escape religious persecution. OThers left due to debts, or government conflict.

What is the reason the Roman Catholics left their mother country and immigrated to the colonies?

Some came for the adventure. Some came for the opportunities immigration offered. Many came to escape religious persecution.

What aws the primary reason the pilgrim left holland for America?

Religious persecution

Why did the puritans leave England and what region did the settle in?

The Puritans left England in the 17th century to escape religious persecution and seek religious freedom. They settled primarily in the region of New England in North America, founding colonies such as Plymouth Colony and Massachusetts Bay Colony.