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Family, friends, and the synagogue.

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Q: Thee ways jews like to celibrate passover?
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How did Passover effect Jews?

jews did like them

Why do Jews observe different things like the passover than catholics?

Jews observe what is written in the Torah. Period.

How did the Jews celebrate passover before World War 2?

Just like we do today.

How is Passover calculated?

The dates of Passover (or Pesach, as we Jews call it) doesn't need to be calculated like the dates of Easter because it always begins on the same day on the Hebrew calendar - 14 Nisan.

What is the bread from the lord?

its made up. Its actually bread without yeast( like what Jews have as a substitute for bread during passover)

Does Belize celebrate Christmas?

Yes, they do celibrate Christmas like the United States.

How do Jews sit on Passover?

They sit like any one normally would, aside from a few occasions at the seder. When eating the Matza and drinking the four cups of wine, Jews recline to their left.

Why was Jesus taken during passover?

Passover is the Jewish celebration of the first born of the Jews being spared because Moses told the Jews to wipe the blood of the lamb over their doorposts so they could be recognized as God's and the spirit of the Lord would passover so they wouldn't die. Well, we become God's when we become Christians and can have eternal life instead of eternal death. Our souls are saved, like the lives of the first born Jews were saved.

Do all branches of Jews celebrate Purim?

All Jews who aren't completely assimilated. So rather just ask how many Jews are there. Purim, like the Passover Seder, Yom Kippur, circumcision, bar mitzvah and certain other things, is one of those parts of Judaism observed by all Jews who are even minimally aware of their heritage.

Can Jews eat scones during Passover?

Generally, most scones are not allowed to be eaten during Passover because they are typically made with regular flour or cake flour. However, if the scones were especially baked with only Kosher for Passover ingredients (like matzoh cake flour or coconut flour), a Jew may eat those scones during Passover.

What does the charoset represent at a Passover meal?

It looks like what the Jews used to make bricks in Egypt, so it represents the bricks that the Jews were forced to make.

Is bread kosher for Passover?

No. Bread is not kosher for Passover. (However, unless it has any "weird ingredients" like bacon fat or violates the rules and chadash/yashan grain, bread is kosher for all times other than Passover.)