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The Curd.

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Q: What is a coagulated milk product with a custard-like consistency?
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What is coagulated milk called?

Coagulated milk separates into Curds (the solids used in cheese-making) and Whey (the liquid).

Liquid part of coagulated milk is called?


How is milk coagulated in the stomach?

It curdles in the stomach, which is the cause of coagulation.

What is the coagulated protein of cooked milk from which cheese is made called?


Is the term for the lumps that form when an acid is added to milk precipitation?

This product is called sour milk. It causes milk for form a coagulate. It is not a precipitate as it doesn't separate into a solid and a liquid. Cheese making would use that method.

From what do we make cheese?

Cheese is made from milk, from various animals. It is not churned (that's what turns the cream into butter). Simply, a bacterial culture is added to the milk, then it is coagulated. The coagulated gel is cut into curds and the whey is drained off. The curds are ressed into forms where it is aged into various types of cheese.

What is curd?

Curd is the coagulated part of a liquid, the part of milk which coagulates when it becomes sour.

Is their a vegetable milk?

Vegetables do not produce literal milk like a cow. However there are products made from plants that resemble milk in both appearance and nutrition. Most prominent of these is soy milk, made from soy beans. Soy milk has nearly a 2000-year history since its appearance in Asia in 82 AD and it's nutritional content is very close to that of cow milk. It can also be coagulated to make tofu just like milk can be coagulated to make cheese. Other examples include rice milk, coconut milk, almond milk, and many more.

What is the definition of the word crema?

"Crema" simply means cream. This is a thick, sweet liquid usually referring to food. It can also refer to a milk product or the consistency of a food.

Is whole milk richer than evaporated milk?

No. Whole milk has a thinner consistency than evaporated milk.

How is yogurt different from milk?

The milk used is to make yogurts are curdled and mixed with good bacteria.Yoghurt is a manufactured product made from a natural product, milk. It is made by adding a bacterial culture (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilusbacteria) to milk and allowing the mixture to ferment. Typically yoghurt is much more viscous (thicker) than milk as it contains bacteria and coagulated milk proteins. The taste is changed from the original milk due to reduced sugar levels and fermentation byproducts/

What beans do you use to make tofu?

Soy milk from soybeans is used to make tofu.