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Most likely it was the Lumper -- what's a 'Lumbar' potato?

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Q: The lumbar potato and what other potato was most common in the famine times?
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Why did many Irish immigrate to other countries in mid 1800's?

The potato famine.

Did the potato blight cause a reduction in population in Ireland?

The potato famine in Ireland which was caused by the potato blight killed in the region of 2 million people out of a pre-famine population of 9 million, and it started emigration to America, Canada, Australia and other places, displacing another one million during the famine, and many more since.

What century were other famines?

In the millions of years of man's history famine has always been a factor. One of the most famous was the Irish potato famine in the 1800's.

What were the two primary reasons Europeans immigrated to the North American continent?

Religious persecution and Famine. Many countries had laws and regulations on what and who they could worship, while in other places, such as ireland, famine had swept through the nation. See the Ireland Potato Famine for more on that.

Why did people leave Ireland to come to the US in 1870's?

Basically the absentee English landlords and the British government starved them out. Add that to the long lasting potato famine and there was adequate reason to look for a place where there would be a better life. ( the great patato famine).

What were the cures in the Irish famine and what was the health of Irish people in the Irish famine?

There was no cure for the famine, as it was potato blight that caused it. There is a cure now, but not in the 1800's.The health was very bad, because potatoes was the main diet of the Irish people. Many died of scurvy, starvation and other horrific diseases.

What is one example of a monoculture?

Irish Potato Famine. The Irish focused only on one type of potato, so when blight hit, all their resources were gone and the people died or immigrated to other countries including America.

What causes an Irish exodus to England and the US during the 19th century?

There was a famine in Ireland, known as the Great Famine, or the Irish Potato Famine. Over a million people died during the 7 years between 1845 to 1852. This drove many Irish to immigrate to to the United States.

Who was blamed for the Irish potato famine?

You can't really lay the blame on anyone specific, a large combination of factors led to the famine and other factors contributed to making it worse whilst it was ongoing. But the origin of the blight was from America, it was transported to Europe on ships from the "new world".

How would you define Irish potato famine?

The Irish potato famine can be described as a time in the nineteenth century when there was a shortage of potato crops. The Irish potato famine was a horrifying agricultural disaster, not just a shortage of potatoes! For thousands of years the Irish (and most other Celtic tribes) had been great fishermen and the staple of their diet was fish from the Atlantic. But with the discovery of the New World the potato was introduced to Ireland. Farming potatoes was much easier and cheaper than maintaining large fishing ships, the nets, etc., so gradually over the generations fishing was virtually abandoned by the Irish people and the staple of their diet became the potato. By selecting the best potatoes to grow over the years they narrowed the genetic diversity of their crop (a potato variety called the Irish Lumper) until when the potato blight (a fungus like organism) attacked in 1840s crops were nearly entirely wiped out, becoming a foul smelling mush long before harvest. It was not possible for them to suddenly return to fishing. Unfortunately at the time while Ireland was growing sufficient other crops to feed everyone, the English (who ruled the country) demanded that it all continue to be exported to them as had been done in the past. Note: the failure of potato crops that lead to the Irish potato famine was not limited to Ireland. It originated in Mexico the spread through the US before jumping the Atlantic aboard clipper ships, after arriving in Ireland it spread through England and all of Europe. But in those other places there was wider variety of potatoes thus offering more resistance to the blight than the Irish Lumper did, also the laws and culture of the other locations permitted switching to alternate foods and prevented a famine elsewhere but in Ireland no such options were available resulting in massive famine.

What were the consequences of the Irish potato famine?

They used potatoes as their basic food. That's why a lot of them had to flee away when there was the insufficiency of them.

For what conditions would lumbar surgery be needed?

One of the most common reasons for lumbar surgery is to release pressure on the spine caused by a slipped disc or compression of the spine. Other conditions include sciatica, tumors and injuries.