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Since each plant or animal in a food chain is dependent on the plant or animal below it for food if one of those in the chain goes away (becomes extinct) or just isn't available in enough quantity, the next one up the chain starves to death.

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Q: The death of one species in a food chain upsets the rest of the food chain mean?
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What term means that the death of one species in a food chain upsets the rest of the food chain?

it means if one kind of species died the predator would have nothing to eat and die too.

What does the food chain mean?

The Food Chain refers to every species linked together starting at the top with the "producer" species and ending with the "decomposer" species.

How does endangered species harm the world?

It hurts the world by harming the food chain. If one scpecies dies out then the whole food chain would suffer, ecpecially if the species were at the botttom of the food chain.

Should sharks be killed of?

No, sharks are a key part of the food chain, without them other species would overpopulate and starve themselves to death.

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What would happen if people killed the predator in the food chain?

What happens is the prey species has a run away growth of population. Followed by depletion of food supply, starvation and death.

What is species (food chain)?

There is no Antarctic wolf. No animals live on Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain.

How does a food chain become broken?

when a species has a differed specialize taste for food.

What a species eats and what eats that species is part of its role in the ecosystem is called?

This is known as the species' ecological role or trophic level in the food chain. It helps determine the species' place in the ecosystem and how it interacts with other organisms.

What species is on top of the food chain besides human?


Why does extinction mess up the food chain?

Imagine a very short food chain Species A eats species B, and species B eats species C If species B becomes extinct, then species A loses a source of its food, and its survival may become threatened; and species C loses its predator and its population may grow to become a plague to its environment.

When many species stay together and form chains they form what?

A food chain is formed when many species stay together and interact in an ecosystem, with each species being a part of the chain as a predator or prey of another species. Each organism in a food chain represents a trophic level in the ecosystem.