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Who follows the teachings of Islam in letter and spirit and loves the holy Prophet SAW from the inner depths of his heart.

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Q: Sunni Muslims believe thatafter the death of the prophet mohammed the new leader of the Muslim nation should be what?
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Do Muslims believe that God will send another prophet?

No. Muslims believe that Mohammed was the final prophet and the capstone of the prophets.

What do Muslims believe happened to mohammed?

We believe the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) died of natural causes in the year 632 A.H.

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Is MOhammed a killer?

NO! Prophet Mohammed (sallalahu alayhi wasalam) was a peaceful man. Muslims and Prophet Mohammed (sallalahu alayhi wasalam) fight against the idolaters of Mekke who want to destroy the muslims.

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Isn't Mohammed only a prophet according to Muslims.

How is mohammed worshipped?

Muslims worship ALLAH, not prophet Mohammed. Porphet Mohammed is the slave and the messenger of ALLAH.

How do the teachings of Jesus and the Hebrew prophets fit in with the believe of Muslims?

In Islam, Jesus is considered to be a prophet, Mohammed being his immediate successor.

What is the major significance of the dome rock?

The rock from which the prophet Mohammed ascended to Heaven.

Why is mohammed a role model and to whom?

Mohammed is a role-model to all Muslims because they believe him to have been the "perfect man". Muslims believe that all the major prophets lived blameless lives. However, Mohammed, as the final and greatest prophet, is considered a particularly strong example of what the ideal human being ought to be.

What name do Muslims give Mohammed?

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

How do Muslims believe in Muhammad as a prophet?

The Muslim him to be the last prophet of Islam through the holy Qur'an. They believe in his prophet-hood as he claimed to be a prophet. The Muslims believe him to be the Most Truthful person.

Who leads the Islams?

By the way they are not called 'Islams' they are called Muslims .There is not really a leader for Muslims. Muslims' God is called Allah which is Arabic for God. Prophet Mohammed is the last prophet and is the leader of the prophets. He is a wonderful role-model to all Muslims. Their book (when i say this i mean religious book, like the Bible) is called the Qur'an which is like a guide sent from Allah to Prophet Mohammed.