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its molting, no biggy, just loosing its feathers and growing new ones back. your chicken will have feathers again in about 2 months. it happens almost every year

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Q: Something's wrong with my chicken It's losing tons of feathers and it almost is bald?
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How come the hens that are sitting on the eggs are losing feathers?

This is called molting. It is the time when chickens renew their feathers. Old feathers fall out and new one's grow back. The chicken uses much of their energy doing this and egg production slows when this happens.

What does a rooster losing its feathers mean?

A rooster losing its feathers could indicate a variety of health issues such as parasitic infection, nutritional deficiencies, stress, or molting. It is important to observe the bird's behavior, as well as consult a veterinarian if the feather loss is excessive or accompanied by any other symptoms.

Why is your rhode island red hen losing feathers on her head?

They are molting. losing feathers and replacing them with new ones. it happends to all chickens.

Why is your parakeet losing his feathers?

Many species of birds, including lovebirds, do something called "molting," which means losing their feathers, then growing new ones. Adult lovebirds do this usually twice a year. It's normal and nothing to worry about, unless your bird seems to be plucking its own feathers out and digging at its skin, which could mean it has a skin problem that needs to be seen by a veterinarian. See the Related Link below.

Will birds regrow Their tail feathers after losing them to a predator?

Yes, birds will regrow their tail feathers through a process called molting. Molting usually occurs once or twice a year, during which birds shed and replace their old feathers with new ones.

Is it normal for a bird to lose its tail?

No, they probably have a noisy environment, and are losing their feathers due to nervousness.

What prevents animals losing too much heat?

Subcutaneous fat. Hair (mammals) Feathers (birds)

Past tense of molt?

If used in the context of a bird losing its feathers, you would say that the bird molted.

What is wrong if a chicken loses feathers on its rear?

Chickens will lose their feathers in a process called a molt or moult. At this time they will usually go off the lay and their comb will shrink and go pale. The chicken can lose their feathers in patches or almost all at once and will look terrible. When the feathers start to grow back it will be all spiky but soon they will look much better and return to laying. Another time that hens can lose feathers, especially from underneath, is when they go 'broody' or 'clucky'. A broody hen is thinking about hatching eggs. She will spend all day on the nest if she can and she will make a deep clucking sound when you disturb her. The loss of feathers is because she is pulling them out to make the nest nice and also to make direct contact with the eggs and her skin when she sits on them. A third reason for losing feathers is that the hen or other hens are picking at them. At the back end of the chicken it is probably other hens pecking. This often happens to the lower ranked hens. It can be a very bad habit for hens to get into, so you should try to discourage it. If a hen has just laid an egg (especially if she has laid a very big one) she might have an open cloaca (opening to the reproductive, urinary and digestive tracts in a chicken) that might show some red. If there are no feathers to disguise this she might get picked at by other hens in this area and she could die from this. Picking can result from bored chickens or an unbalanced diet. Providing something like a piece of pork fat or prawn shells for them to peck at can sometimes help.

Do Emperor Penguins have fur?

Penguins are covered in feathers, not fur. Penguins molt once each year. During this time, the birds lose all of their feathers.

What is the process of losing feathers from the body and wings called?

either molting or (and this is a joke. not for real.) DEATH! ha i really think its molting. a bird loses its feathers to grow new ones. it usually happens during winter to a bird that doesnt migrate and needs to be camoed. Hope it helped :)!

How do you stop your umbrella cockatoo from picking his feathers?

It depends...if your bird does it from time to time he is malting, naturally losing feathers, if your bird does it all the time you need to ask a vet. because he could be sick.