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The slicing of cake in a wedding typically occurs after the ceremony if there isn't food and after the dinner if there is food. Sometimes the bride and groom smash the wedding cake in each other's faces.

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after you have served the food you should let the guests rest for a while with entertainment e.g. father/daughter dance, etc and then maybe near the end of the reception, but the cutting of the cake should be done quite early in the reception so that it feels special but before too much fun starts!

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Q: Slicing of cake in a wedding?
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What is the meaning of the slicing of slicing of cake in the wedding?

It's when the bride and groom share their dessert together.

What is the meaning of slicing of cake in the wedding?

The bride and groom both hold the knife together to make the first slice in the wedding cake. This symbolizes the beginning of their life together. The cake is sliced after the wedding ceremony at the wedding reception. The rest of the cake is sliced without any special significance as the easiest way to serve the cake to guests.

Meaning of cutting of cake for debut party?

Slicing a cake at a debut party originated in Europe. The significance or cutting the cake at the party symbolizes a shared relationship prior to a wedding.

What is the meaning of slicing of cake at a wedding reception?

Symbolically, it is the first joint physical act performed by the husband and wife.

What is the significant of the wedding cake and slicing a wedding cake?

it's to signify the bond of the married couple to prove that they'll do everything together. or it's just something to do for the couple at their party, they just want to get to that motel and have fun.

What is the significance of Slicing a cake in a debut?

Actually it began in Europe and not with a cake but pastries and desserts. They would feed each other as a symbol of unity and a shared relationship. When the wedding cake appeared later the tradition of sharing a piece of the cake remained intact.

What is the meaning of slicing the cake in the wedding?

The wedding celebration would not be complete if you didn't include this tradition in your list. :) As a wedding consultant, it is a must for you to include this in your list because it symbolically means of having love, honor and respect one another.

What do you mean by slicing a cake on a wedding?

* At the wedding reception after the meal is served and approximately one hour after, the wedding cake will be cut by the bride and groom. The bride holds the knife and the groom's hand goes over hers and they make a small slice to feed each other a piece of the wedding cake before serving to their guest. Sometimes the bride and groom will have a little fun and push the cake all over the outside of each others mouths. Then the caterers came and cut the cake and either the bride and groom can serve the wedding cake or the caterers will do it if requested before the reception.

What is the meaning of slicing of the cakes during wedding?

it is to have fun at a wedding !!!

Meaning of the slicing of the wedding cake?

I do believe that it means that you are uniting and cutting a piece of your new life together.

What is the meaning of the slicing of the wedding cake?

The newly-wed couple slicing the wedding cake together has come to symbolize many things over the years. Generally, it symbolizes the new couple beginning a new life together and for happiness in the future.

Which is the correct term- cutting the cake or slicing the cake?

Either or. It just depends on your preference. You may cut a cake, but slicing sounds more intelligent (very much an opinionated remark). When you use more culinary vocabulary, people take you more seriously. I prefer slicing, but to each their own.