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if he`s done it once, he`ll do it again, like that old saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"

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Q: Should you forgive a husband that had been having an affair for over five years but when was discovered dropped the lover like a hot potato and has only had eyes for the wife since?
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Should a Husband Forgive - 1919 was released on: USA: 1 November 1919

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Did he go off with that women? If not then yes forgive him, my mum talks to men and my dad doesn't mind.

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Yes, you should forgive your sister, because she's still your sister and you're always going to have her around. If you were to hold grudges with everyone who even looked at your husband, where would you be? With a whole bunch of enemies! You need to forgive and forget, because she's probably sorry and if she's not, you need to sit down and talk to her about why you thought what she did was wrong and how she can make it better. And you can ask her not to do it again.

Should you forgive your husband for having an internet affair despite the hard work you had put into this marriage?

Questions like these, usually just bring out an opinion. (yes or no) We come with an instruction manual, just like your washer and dryer. Jesus said to forgive, best answer is to forgive him. ANSWER: It all depend to what kind of Internet affair your husband did. If your husband never met this woman face to face, then follow what your heart say. If the two of them already met in person, that's when you need to talk to your husband of what's going on with him. Ask him why he needs to find another woman on line to talk to if he can come to you. Your husband is having issue about himself, talk to him. You can forgive him all the time when he make a mistake, but the question is will he stop doing what he is doing now if you forgive him. They say; the truth will set us free, so you need to know.

Should you forgive him?

If you truley care about someone then you will find it in your heart to forgive him. Which you should. If we don't forgive then we are no better then those that commited the offense.

Will you ever forgive your husband. Do you have the courage to leave him?

this is coming from a guy who has had many relationships and if someone is cheating at all you should leave unless there is children involved then it is different.

Should you forgive your mom if she threatens you?

yes u should always forgive and forget

Why is it important to forgive others?

There are two Important aspects to forgive someone. 1. You must forgive. You should forgive even though that person isn't sorry, and pray for them continuously. If a wife divorces her husband because he abused her, she should pray and forgive him. When you forgive, it's like taking a step towards heaven. It says in the bible, Peter asks, "How much should I forgive? As much as seven times?" And Jesus replies, "Not just seven times, but seventy seven times..." This is just something to think about and put into practice. Not literally "I forgive you" seventy seven times, but it means to forgive and mean it. 2. How much that person needs the forgiveness. Everyone needs forgiveness. And God is the one who gives it if no one else does. That doesn't mean if someone says "I forgive you", your sin is gone. you still have to confess it by going to confession.

If a wife sins and the husband knows of it should he not correct her and ask forgiveness of GOD?

Correct her, no. Forgive her and help her acknowledge the sin. Then work to regain each other's trust.

Should you forgive a bad friend?

It depends on what they did. If you feel you want to then maybe they should. If you forgive them and want to give them another chance then you should.

Should you forgive a sociopath mother?

Yes, you should forgive a sociopath mother, since she was the one who gave you life.