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It depends on how you're using it. Usually, people just say "goat cheese" to mean cheese made from goat milk. If you're talking about cheese belonging to a goat, you'd say "goat's cheese."

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12y ago

Yes. It should be goats' cheese.

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What cheese melts faster goats cheese or cow's cheese?

Goats cheese.

What cheese can be substituted for goats cheese?

if you need goats cheese then you must get goats cheese there is nothing else quite the same-- sorry!!1

Does goats cheese contain starch?

Goats cheese is a dairy product, not a starch.

What is goats cheese made from?

Goats milk

What foods are made from goat?

you can buy goats meat goats milk goats cheese some people also put goats cheese and milk in cakes

What animal does feta cheese come from?

Feta cheese is usually from goats or sheep.

I really like cheese but I'm lactose Intollerant what should I do?

As long as you dont get too violently sick, try eating goats cheese. Some people that are intollerant to cows cheese find they can eat goats with no problems. It may be worth a go.

What kinds of cheese did the ancient Romans eat?

goats cheese

Is feta cheese from goats?

No, goat cheese is not the same as feta.

Why did they make goats cheese?

Why not? it seems we try to conquer the world and all it has to offer. if we make cheese from cows, and we get milk from Goats, why not try cheese? it only makes sense.

How can goat cheese become contaminated?

when they milk the goats the goats udders can be infected, and that means bad milk - which then gets made into bad cheese.

How many times do goats eat cheese?

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