Absolutely, because nobody else will pitch in to help if the government doesn't take the responsibility.
From food banks that are sponsored by the government or non-government groups eg. church.
food stamps
public kitchens such as in gurudwaras
From food banks that are sponsored by the government or non-government groups eg. church.
The Indian government can stop or prevent child labour by: · They can give free education to poor children. · They can provide sufficient food for poor families to survive. · They ban children under 14 years of age to work. · They provide free health care to poor people. · Since poverty is the main cause of child labour the government can provide the to the poor people with jobs so that they can take care of their families and send their children to school instead of being child laborers and working in dangerous factories, mines, restaurants all day long.
Communism plain
I would say poor public healthcare.
The answer is the way they get and use power
due to drought and poverty conditions in africa and poor content protein in food which they take disease would cause . so to prevent this disease to take proper content f nutrition in food which they take and also government should provide facilities to avoid conditions like poverty and drought
Communism plain
communisum plain
Communism plain