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Well, if you do, dont put it back in with mother keep it yourself to mother for because once the smell is passed on, the mother will kill!!!! BEWAREEE!!!! i warn you now!!!!!! ;) Ok darling x

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Q: Should I help a Baby hamster that crawled away from mom?
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How do you take your baby hamster away from their mother safely with out stressing them out?

You should never, under any circumstances, remove a baby hamster from the mother.

How old do baby hamsters have to be till you give them away?

it depends on the type of hamster you get. you should give baby hamsters away when they are two or three weeks depending n your type of hamster if it is a syran hamster you should give the babys away at two weeks other hamsters you can give it another week

Can your Baby Hamster die please help........................My female baby hamster's eye is out of the socket she got stepped she going to pass away?

yes a baby hamster can die and your female hamster,im sad to say, probably will pass away.

Can a male hamster harm the baby hamsters?

Yes, you should keep any males out away from the babies.

How far can you take a baby hamster away from the mother?

You should never separate the babies from the mother, you can get your scent on them and she might eat them.

How old can a baby hamster be when it can be taken away from its mother safely?

about a month at least

What does it mean if a mommy hamster moves a baby somewhere else?

If a mommy hamster moves a baby somewhere else it is completely normal and it does not mean it will be permanent also depends on how far away she moves the baby.

Why do you need to separate baby hamster genders?

Because they can start to breed right away.

You dropped your hamster about 2 foot on grass?

If a hamster was dropped on 2 foot of grass, the hamster should not suffer from any damage. If the hamster got away then food can be put down and the hamster should come back.

What does it mean when a mother hamster separates a baby hamster?

she is most likely rejecting it and you will need to immediately take the hamster away and care foe it youself until it is two weaks then it can care for itself.

What do you do when your hamster is eating its babies?

Don't do anything, because the reason why the hamster is even eating the baby is because it is scared the baby will not live in the environment it is in, while your hamster is "eating" her baby, stay away from it so it doesn't get mad or freaked out. Don't worry,, it is normal for your hamster to be eating its baby, mine ate hers.ANSWER:_DON'T_WORRY,_DONT_DO_ANYTHING,_hope_i_helped:)">ANSWER: DON'T WORRY, DONT DO ANYTHING, hope i helped:)DONT DO ANYTHING OR THE HAMSTER WILL GET SCARED AND (it might get bloody in that cage)

How many months will you have before you can give baby hamster's away?

3-6 weeks depending on the breed