

Seed for potato

Updated: 10/7/2023
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15y ago

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If you want to plant potatoes, you would not want "seed" you would want seed potatoes. If you look at a potato , you will see what are called eyes, which are actually sprouts. Cut the potato into 1/4 sections, having several eyes on each section. Plant this and with ample moisture, it will sprout. Plant approx. 3" deep. If you leave one in the bag, too long, it can also sprout, but will not make potatoes. potatoes are a tuber, and new potatoes will form on the root system in the ground. ( nodules)

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while it produces seeds they are not used for propagating it so the answer depends on the context of the question

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4y ago

a potato is a potato

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How is a seed potato different from a table potato?

no difference, helps if the potato or piece of potato has at least one "eye"

Is a pototo a a seed?

No, a potato is not a seed. It is a tuber that is used for vegetative propagation, not considered a seed.

Why potato dose not grow from seed?

becasue it has this thing in it what means it has to go from a seed

Ihave small tomato growing out of blossoms of potato plants Any idea what these would be?

As the tomato and the potato are close relatives the seed pod of a potato looks like a green tomato. What you have is a potato seed pod. Do not be tempted to eat it.

Can you get seeds from a potato in minecraft?

well think about real life the potato is the seed just right hand click a potato on tilled soil and it will grow

Can you grow a lobpotato?

yes because you can plant a lobster seed and a potato seed in the same hole so it grows a lobpotato.

Do you remove the seeds from the potato fruit and dry them?

you have to let the seed dry all the way through it so you can plant a potato fruit.

What are the advantage and disadvantages of using an potato eye?

if you do not use an eye on the potato when planting ,this spud has nothing to germinate with, the eye is like a seed.

What are potato cuttings?

Potato cuttings are formed by cutting a 'seed potato' into squares of about 4cm, each square containing one or two 'eyes' - buds. These are planted in order to raise a potato crop.Certified seed potatoes are used because market or store potatoes will, though perfectly healthy themselves for eating, be susceptible to diseases if grown.The seed potatoes are left in the light and kept slightly warm until they begin to sprout. This is when they are cut for planting.Potato trimmings are different: these are what's left over when a potato is peeled for cooking, and are more frequently called potato peel, or peelings.

Why does potato reproduce with the help of eyes on the tuber?

It doesn't - it reproduces via seed and offsets from the potato itself. The eyes are just embryonic shoots.

What can the potato plant grow from?

Potatoes can be planted with corn, cabbage, beans, eggplant (a greater attraction to the Colorado potato beetle) and marigolds.

Can you use garden insect dust to coat your potato seed to prevent seed rot?

an insect dust as well as a fungicidal dust will prevent rot