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Seaweed is algae.

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How iodine is absorbed by Nitella sp an alga which lives in the sea?

Iodine is absorbed by Nitella sp., a sea-dwelling alga, through a process called bioaccumulation. The alga absorbs iodine from the surrounding water through its cell walls and accumulates it in its tissues. This accumulation process allows the alga to maintain adequate levels of iodine for its metabolic functions.

Facts on carragheen a type of seaweed?

A red alga Chondrus crispus of Rhodophyceae also known as iris moss and found as sea weed is known for its gelatinus extract. This extract called carragheen is widely used in food industry.

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Seahorses typically inhabit shallow, sheltered waters such as sea grass beds, coral reefs, estuaries, and mangroves. They can be found in temperate and tropical oceans around the world, usually clinging to sea grasses or coral branches with their prehensile tails.

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Answer What food group does sea weed fit in?

Sea weed fits in the vegetable category.

Is sea weed a living or no living element in the ocean?

Sea weed is a living element.

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Why is the weed sea called the weed sea?

Because of a misunderstanding by Rodger Clemens and his drug problem.

What habits do sea turtles have?

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What plants lived in the dead sea?

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What plants are below sea level?

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Is Alga a producer consumer or decomposes?

algae is a producer because it is a sea plant.