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Break this question down into what you know and what you need to know:

They have 1kg plus 250g of flour.

1000g =1 kg

250g = 0.25kg

So they have 1.25kg of flour.

If they want to make 5 loaves they will need 2.5kg of flour.

The total amount they need minus the amount they have is 2.5kg - 1.25kg = 1.25kg.

So they need 1.25kg more flour if they wish to make 5 loaves.

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Q: Sam and his mom bake bread To make 5 loafs they need 2.5 kg of flour They have 1kg bag and 250g of flour in a container How many more kilograms of flour do they need?
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Three loaves of bread costs $5.79.

What does the word loafs mean?

It's a form of the slang verb to loaf, meaning to be lazy and not work. E.g. "He is a useless employee. He loafs around all day and does nothing and expects to be paid for it."It is not the plural for the noun loaf, a unit of bread. One loaf of bread, two loaves of bread.

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The spelling "loafs" can be used for the verb to loaf(3rd person singular, present tense).However, the plural of the noun loaf (e.g. bread) is loaves.

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i would say around 40 - 50 considering how hungry people are

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How did the us finance and prepare for World War 1?

Well, they sold cows and chickens to buy loafs of bread to feed on the military republic. I think.

Can the Sunbeam Expressbake 5891 Breadmaker bake loaves smaller than 2 lbs?

Yes it can, it makes bread loafs up to 2 lbs.