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Q: Peanut oil How many peanuts does it take to make 1 gallon of peanut oil?
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Related questions

What did he make with peanuts?

He made peanut butter, peanut shampoo, and peanut lotion exc.

Where are the peanuts that are used to make peanut butter from?

peanuts used to make peanut butter are from pea nut farms in the united states

What can you make out of peanuts?

soap peanut butter

Where does Peter Pan peanut butter get their peanuts?

well..., an elephannt loooooves peanuts and peanuts looooves elephants, so, when the elephant pooops out the peanuts, they names those peanuts peter pan, and then they ship them to that place where they make the peanut butter, and then make peter pan peanut butter out of that. that is just so delicious!

Does peanut butter grow on a plant?

NO!Of course not. Peanut butter is made in a factory. But peanuts grow on a plant, in order to make peanut butter!

How did George caver make peanut butter?

peanuts have juice and when it drys up it makes peanut butter

How did peanuts become a hit?

because they used peanuts to make peanut butter :)

How did george w caver make peanut butter?

peanuts have juice and when it drys up it makes peanut butter

How many peanuts does it take to make a 12oz jar of peanut butter?

58 peanuts

What to use to blend peanuts?

If you mean to pulverize the peanuts to make peanut butter, a food processor like a Cuisinart works best.

What ingredient is in wine bread and peanut butter?

Technically, peanut butter should only have peanuts in it. However, some peanut butter makers add salt and extra oil. Stuff like Skippy and Jiff are NOT peanut butter. They are technically peanut spread. There is a certain minimum percentage of peanuts that must make up the ingredients of peanut butter for the FDA to let you call it peanut butter.That being said, salt is the answer.

What plant did George Washington Carver make peanuts out of?

the peanut plant