Probably named for the region it was made in
Much like most English Cheeses - Usually named after the town, village or region that they originally come from...
Cheese is the most popular food in Holland. Gouda and Edam are the most popular cheeses from Holland. an average Dutch can consumer 14.3 kilos of cheese a year.
The most popular names of 2011 are Isabella and Jacob.
Most popular names in England for 2011 are:AmeliaOliviaLilyJessicaEmilySophieGraceRubyAvaIsabellaEvieChloeMiaPoppyIslaEllaIsabelleSophiaFreyaDaisy
The most popular is Goldie
Each country has it's own popular cheese, click on the link for a list of cheese by country.
The most popular baby names in 1999 were Jacob Michael and Matthew
The most popular names for boys are Liam and Noah, while the most popular names for girls are Olivia and Emma.
I would say the bleu cheese is the most popular, simply because of the name. Corbin Bleu is a very popular singer, therefore they named a cheese after him.
the most popular boys names are jack and lewis
The most popular baby names for 2010 are AidEn, Jacob, Jackson, and Ethan.