They are the same, just different names.
The scientific name is used; in place of a common name, to convey the exact spices that is referring to. Without scientific names and only referring to common names animals can be confused among a group of people. ie. Indian Dwarf Puffer, Pee puffer, Malabar pufferfish, Pea pufferfish, pygmy pufferfish, BB puffer are all Carinotetraodon travancoricus.
a pufferfish is 2 feet
Mbu pufferfish was created in 1899.
Dwarf pufferfish was created in 1941.
Green pufferfish was created in 1822.
Baby names are the names that you here every day like Kevin or Amy. Baby names are names that parents choose for their kids.
There are many names of useful books of baby name lists. Some names of useful books of baby name lists includes "The Complete Book of Baby Names" and "Rock and Roll Baby Names".
tiger sharks and sea snakes eats pufferfish
of course they do how do you think they make babies if they didnt there would be no pufferfish.
You can get a book of baby names at your public library or at a bookstore.
Yes because a pufferfish puffs really big.