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Yes they must have! I bought a new package this week and notices it right away. I like the old better! I would like to know what was changed.

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13y ago

I noticed the same thing when I bought some this weekend. They must have changed the recipe, but I don't know why....

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Q: My semi-sweet chocolate chips taste different. Did Nestle chocolate change their recipe?
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Melting chocolate is a physical change, not a chemical reaction, so it is reversible. When chocolate melts, it changes from a solid to a liquid state due to the breaking of intermolecular forces. By cooling the melted chocolate, it can solidify back into a solid form without undergoing a chemical change.

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Burning chocolate is a chemical change because the heat causes the chemical structure of the chocolate to change, leading to the release of new compounds and altering the composition of the chocolate.

When a chocolate bar melts in the sun a physical or chemical change?

When a chocolate bar melts in the sun, it is a physical change. This is because the chocolate undergoes a phase change from a solid to a liquid without changing its chemical composition.

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What does the change in the chocolate ration show in the book 1984?

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