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Muslims neither worship pork or beef. The only thing the worship is God. It is the opposite, muslims consider pigs filthy animals.

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Q: Muslims worship pork or beef
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What would you subsitute instead of pork for Muslims?

pork is haram in islam, instead of this muslims can eat mutton, chicken, beef

What religion doesn't eat pork or beef?

Jews (Judaism) and Muslims (Islam) do not consume pork. Hindus (Hinduism) do not consume beef. However, there is no religion where both beef and pork are forbidden, but other forms of meat are permitted. There are vegetarian religions, such as Jainism and Buddhist Monks are vegetarian as well.Since India has large populations of both Hindus and Muslims, Indian cuisine has historically avoided both pork and beef to avoid offending the two religions. This persists in many Indian restaurants in the Diaspora today, which do not have beef or pork selections on their menus even if the owners and workers are all Hindu or all Muslim.

Can Muslims eat Kobe beef?

Beef is generally halal (permitted). Very strict Muslims might want the beef to be prepared by an halal butcher._________________________________________________________Beef is generally halal (permitted) if made from licit meat (for example not made from pork). Muslims usually want beef to be prepared by licitly slaughtered animals.

Why do Muslims eat beef and not pork?

Certain animals are Haraam (forbidden) in Islam. The beasts of prey, some beasts of burden, and especially pork are declared Haraam for the Muslims. Grazing animals are generally Halaal, except donkey and some other similar beasts.

Is beef pork?

no beef is from cows and pork is from pigs

Are baby back ribs beef or pork?

They can be either.

What is the homophone of beef pork ribs poultry?

homophone for beef

What kind of gelatin does rice krispie have?

it has beef or pork but Muslims still shouldn't eat it unless there sure same goes for other people

Is the salt of it pork or sometimes beef?

some of it can be beef but the pork ones are the spicy ones

What agency grades beef and pork?

the agency that grades beef and pork is U.S.D.A choice.

In what religion must meat be killed with one blow to the head?

Answer It is not Jews,for they eat beef. and drink. It is not Christians for we eat beef,pork,and drink.ALOT. It is not Muslims for they don't eat meat by one single blow to the animal head and for they eat beef It is not atheists for they don't care about eating things or drinking things. They may be the Hindus

What is more expensive beef or pork?