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If they are chilled.

Use refrigerators.

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Q: Many foods can be kept longer if they are?
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What one other way in which foods can be kept for longer without going rancid?

keeping it in the fridge.

What is the warmest temperature at which freezers should operate?

A freezer should be kept at O degrees F or colder. Many foods will last longer if they are kept at -10 to -20 F, but that will increase energy usage. As with most things, there is always a trade off.

Why did a medieval cook cook?

Because cooked foods are easier to digest, and can be kept longer than raw foods.

What types of food can be kept for only a longer time?

Canned goods, dried foods like dried beans, dried fish. But if you keep in a refregirator, the food will be ok for a period of time especially frozen foods.

How can different types of food be kept for a long time?

You can freeze many foods. Some foods can be salted. Canning or putting it into jars can keep many foods fresh. You can also pickle or brine some foods. Some foods keep well if you just seal them into plastic.

What foods can be kept in refrigerators?

All >:)

What do some foods do if they are not kept cold?

They spoil

What foods are kept in refrigerator drawers as opposed to shelves?

There are no hard and fast rules regarding where in refrigerators specific foods are to be kept. However, meats, cheeses, and vegetables are generally kept in drawers as opposed to shelves.

Why you need to eat many go foods?

Those that do for the convenience or personal preference. in this economy though, many no longer do as often.

How long can tomato juice be stored in a stainless steel pot in the refrigerator before canning?

all and any foods should not be kept longer than 3 days before canning/jarring.

How many Cub Foods supermarkets are there?

Cub foods is no longer in business at least in the midwest and has been out of business since the late nineteen nineties, now aldi foods is more commonly found.

Can chicken remain out of the refrigerator?

No longer than an hour or so if left out in room temp. Bacteria can start to grow on foods in an hour. Our stomach acids can kill some of these bacteria but not all. Foods should be kept out of the danger zone which is above 45 degrees and below 145 degrees. In this zone foods are perfect for bacteria.