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Mammal is to lungs as fish is to gills.

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Q: Mammal is to lungs as fish is to what?
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Name of fish which have lungs only?

fish are fish. if they could breathe above water they would be a mammal. no fish have lungs only.

Why whale is call a mammal but not a fish?

A whale is called a mammal but not a fish because they have lungs and viviparous and feed their young ones

Why is a sword fish classifyed as a fish?

A sword fish is a fish due to it having gills, and a bone structure, unlike a shark that has cartilage, or a mammal that has lungs.

Is an eel a fish or a mammal?

They're fish. Eels have gills, whereas reptiles have lungs.

What kind of animals uses lungs and gills to breath?

A lot. Dogs, Cats. Almost all animals have lungs.

Is a platypus a bird or a fish?

The platypus is a mammal. Although it lays eggs in a burrow, and hunts for food in the water, it is a warm-blooded mammal that breathes using lungs, not gills. It also feeds its young on mothers' milk, something which no fish does.

Does a mammal have lungs or gills?


Are bird lungs more efficient than mammal lungs?

Yes. Bird lungs are more efficient than mammal lungs.

Is a shark a mammal and why?

No a shark is not a mammal. It isn't a mammal because it filters water through it's gill slits then oxygen is filtered from the water. To be a mammal an animal has to directly breath oxygen into the lungs.

Why is a dolphin not a fish why is a sea horse is?

A dolphin is a mammal, it breathes with lungs, it gives live birth and it suckles its offspring. A seahorse is a fish with a horse-looking head.

How is the oxygen taken in by the lungs of mammals different from the oxygen taken in by the gills of a fish?

Mammal take in oxygen in the air while fish take in oxygen in the water.

Do echidnas have lungs?

Yes. The echidna is a mammal, and all mammal have lungs.