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how they obtain food

i'm pretty sure

because producers make their own food and consumers get their food from something else

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Q: Living things are classified as producers or consumers according to?
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Related questions

How are consumers and producers similar?

They both are living things.

Are frogs a producer?

nope. Rattle snakes are not producers. They are consumers in the food chain as they eat other living organisms. Plants are the major producers on earth. Be skeptical of almost anything else being classified as a producer.

Why producer and consumers is important?

producers are very important in the food chain because all living creatures eat producers to live.they are called consumers.

Are sea coral producers decomposers or consumers?

Corals are both producers (they have symbiotic plants living in them) and consumers (herbivores/carnivores) as they filter feed on plankton.

How does carbon become of living organisms?

Producers take in carbon dioxide from the air, and consumers eat the producers.

Is it possible for an ecosystem to survive with out producers?

think of yourself you moron! your so stupid you don't know the answer? it's easy if there's no producers there will be no consumers if there is no consumers no producers ... let's put it this way, producers need consumers to expand and grow there population and there way of living even if it's a plant at least it is a living organism and consumers need producers to give of something for their waste so it's impossible that producers would be lost! it's a cycle remember!

What sorts of living things are consumers?

All animals are consumers. Only plants and some protists are producers.

What is the difference between producers primary consumers secondary consumers and decomposers?

Producers are organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis. Primary consumers are animals that eat producers, while secondary consumers eat primary consumers. Decomposers break down dead organic matter into nutrients that can be reused by producers.

What do producer and consumer have in common?

Producers (usually plants) and consumers (usually animals) are all living organisms.

How does the biogeochemical cycle work?

Example Producers ----- Consumers ----- Secondary consumers ----- Decomposers ------ Soil ----- Producers ----- (And so on)

What are different kinds of living organisms?

There are the consumers, producers( herbivores and carnivores) , and decomposers

What are the different kinds of living organism?

There are the consumers, producers( herbivores and carnivores) , and decomposers