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The list of theoretical physicists throughout history is countless. Robert Oppenheimer helped develop the atomic bomb. A few of the most notable are listed. Albert Einstein developed the Theory of Relativity. Blaise Pascal did important work in the areas of fluids, pressure, and vacuums. Sir Isaac newton developed theories in motion and mechanics. Max Planck developed the quantum theory. Werner Heisenberg developed the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

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Q: List of theoretical physicists with their contributions?
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Who were the List of physicists and their works?

Some famous physicists and their works include Albert Einstein for his theory of relativity, Isaac Newton for his laws of motion and universal gravitation, Marie Curie for her research on radioactivity, and Richard Feynman for his work in quantum mechanics. Each made significant contributions to our understanding of the physical world.

What is a physicist?

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Who are some foreign physicists and their contributions?

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Who is the 10 foreign physicist?

It is not possible to determine one definitive list of the top 10 foreign physicists, as rankings and individual contributions are subjective. However, some notable foreign physicists include Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Niels Bohr, and Richard Feynman. Each of these individuals made significant contributions to the field of physics.