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Q: Large gas-filled organ that allows a fish to stay suspended in any depth of water?
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What does depth strider do in minecraft?

Depth Strider allows you to run faster underwater.

How do you use depth in a sentence?

The depth of the ocean is found using sonar. Having two eyes allows an animal to have depth perception. Surrounded by eminent professors, the biology teacher felt out of his depth.

What is meant by neutral buoyancy?

Neutral buoyancy refers to the state of an object in a fluid where the buoyant force acting on the object is equal to the gravitational force pulling it down, resulting in the object neither sinking nor floating to the surface. This allows the object to remain suspended at a specific depth in the fluid.

When does a submarine have neutral buoyancy?

A submarine has neutral buoyancy when its weight is exactly equal to the buoyant force acting on it, causing it to remain suspended at a constant depth without sinking or rising. This balance between weight and buoyant force allows the submarine to move up or down in the water column as needed.

What allows people to climb and descend stairs without stumbling?

Depth perception.

What type of water body has the most evaporation?

Oceans have the most evaporation due to their large surface area and depth, which allows for more water to evaporate into the atmosphere.

What Depth perception allows you to?

Depth perception allows you to perceive and understand the relative distances and sizes of objects in your environment. It helps you to navigate and interact with the world by providing visual cues that inform your brain about the spatial relationships between objects.

If an object is suspended in a fluid neither sinking nor floating then?

The object is in equilibrium, where the gravitational force pulling it downward is balanced by the buoyant force pushing it upward. This results in the object being suspended at a specific depth where the forces are in balance.

Can you adjust the 3D effect on the Nintendo 3DS?

Yes. The 3D Depth Slider on the side of the 3DS allows the depth to be adjusted or even turned off.

Does a ship wrecked in mid-ocean sink to the bottom or does it remain suspended at some great depth?

A wrecked ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

How does having 2 eyes improve our vision?

It doesn't "improve" your vision. It allows you to see the real world in 3D - i.e. depth. Since primate eyes have a large overlap in field of vision, most of your world is 3D.

How do i know if you have positive or neutral buoyancy?

You can determine your buoyancy by observing whether you float, sink, or stay suspended in water. If you float on the water's surface, you have positive buoyancy. If you sink, you have negative buoyancy. When you remain suspended at a certain depth, your buoyancy is neutral.