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Yaks are raised in part for their milk in Central Asia. I suppose you could call it dairy farming.

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Q: Is yak used for dairy farming?
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Can you give differences between dairy farming and commercial farming?

Dairy Farming is specific

What is the importance of dairy farming?

dairy farming is where you milk cows so you have milk.

Why cows are used in dairy farming and not buffaloes?

because cows have a healthier milk

Can you show us the pictures of dairy farming?

Pictures of dairy farming is illegal over the internet.

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Wisconsin is the dairy farming state.

Are cattle farming and dairy farming same?

Not really. Cattle farming is more of a general term encompassing both beef and dairy. Dairy farming is telling us something more specific, such as the fact that cows are being raised for the purpose of getting milk from them to be sold to retailers that distribute them to human families. Though dairy farming does involve raising and breeding cattle and can be termed "cattle farming," the proper term for raising dairy animals for the purpose of milk production is "dairy farming."

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I. Baltenweck has written: 'Dairy farming in Uganda' -- subject(s): Dairy farming

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Dairy farm is a farming enterprise; it is a part of agriculture because dairy cows (which are classified as livestock) are raised on a farm and fed feed which is grown and harvested on that farm or sourced from elsewhere.

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Dairy Farming

What is dairy cow?

A cow that is specifically used by farmers for producing milk that they sell. Dairy farming is just one type of cattle farming. Different types of farmers use different types of cattle for their farms.

What does dairy farming mean?

Dairy farming is an agricultural term to mean the long term production of milk, generally from dairy cows. The production can either be done onsite or transferred to a dairy factory.

What has the author WilliamDyfri Jones written?

WilliamDyfri Jones has written: 'Dairy farming in Wales' -- subject(s): Dairy farming