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Water is more viscous than methylated spirits, and vegetable oils are more viscous than water.

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Q: Is water more viscous than vegetable oil and methylated spirits?
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A solid that floats on water but sinks in methylated spirits?

This solid must have a density less than that of water but higher than methylated spirits. It could be made of materials like wood or cork, which are less dense than water but more dense than methylated spirits. This difference in densities causes the solid to float in water but sink in methylated spirits.

Is methylated spirits less dense than water?

Yes, methylated spirits are less dense than water. The specific gravity of methylated spirits is around 0.79-0.81, while water has a specific gravity of 1. This means that methylated spirits will float on top of water due to its lower density.

Do methylated spirits travel through filter paper quicker than water?

Yes, because methylated spirits have a lower surface tension and viscosity compared to water, they are likely to travel through filter paper faster due to their ability to penetrate and absorb more easily.

What dissolves in methylated spirits?


Is sugar a solute for methylated spirits?

No, sugar is not a solute for methylated spirits. Methylated spirits (denatured alcohol) is a mixture of ethanol and other chemicals, while sugar is a carbohydrate compound that does not dissolve in methylated spirits.

Why will spirits float on water?

Well some do - mineral spirits for example are a hydrocarbon that do float on water. However, others such as methylated spirits are totally water soluble and hence dont float.

How do you clean grime off the inside of car windows?

Mixture of 50/50 methylated spirits and water

Is copper sulphate soluble in methylated spirits?

Copper sulfate is not soluble in methylated spirits. Methylated spirits, which is primarily ethanol mixed with a small amount of methanol, is not a suitable solvent for dissolving copper sulfate, which is better dissolved in water.

Does vegetable oil have water in it?

i dont know. repost if you do, ASAP please

How separate methylated spirits from water?

Methylated spirits are also called denatured alcohol. They are a mixture of ethanol and methanol intended for industrial use, and are meant?æto be foul smelling or tasting in order to discourage abuse.

Arrange corn syrup water and vegetable oil in order of low to high viscosity?

Water is the least viscous, with vegetable oil being 2nd on the list and the most viscous would be corn syrup. Viscosity can be dependent on the liquid, and can also change when a solute is dissolved in the liquid.

Is methylated spirits a solvent?

Only slightly, methylated spirit contains mostly ethanol. Ethanol is slightly soluable in water (mixing 50 ml of ethanol and water will make 80 - 90 ml of mixture, not 100ml). However commercial "meths" contains dye and other chemical minerals that make it toxic to drink, and are designed to make people vomit when it is drunk. these components are not water soluable.