sugar is actually really good for u tynan brown eats too much brown sugar
Cinnamon, brown sugar, or raw sugar would be good.
There are four cups in 1lb of brown sugar. Or anything. That is incorrect. According to Domino Sugar Company, 2⅓ cups of brown sugar is equivalent to one pound. Incidentally, for liquids, 1 pint = 1 pound is a good approximation.
If you use brown sugar in place of white sugar, the cookies will still taste good.
yes bec i think so
For camouflage of course. Deer is a good example. These four legged stupids are camouflaged in brown so predators don't eat them.
The price of Brown Sugar depends on the kind you get as well as sometimes the state you're in as well as the store you go to, Walmart charges $1.68 for the Great Value Light Brown Sugar brand at some stores while they charge $2.34 for the Domino Premium Pure Cane Light Brown Sugar additionally they charge $8.16 for Augason Farms Brown Sugar and $2.44 for the Domino Premium Pure Cane Dark Brown Sugar. Target charges $2.24 for both versions of Domino's Brown Sugar.
both are not good for you. however, alot of people thinks that brown sugar is actually better, but this is not true. "Brown sugar, through clever marketing, has no nutritional differences than white sugar." See link for Food Genetics
of course you can, green tea is very good with or without brown sugar
Yes.but brown is a sweet taste and works best in all dishes
i feel good i feel nice like sugar and spice
What is a good deer load