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Q: Is there a time difference between cakes and cupcakes?
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If you use a batch of cake batter for cupcakes and cook it for the amount of time to bake cake what will be the result?

The cupcakes will be over cooked. Ovens cook from the outside in and the diameter of a cupcake is much less than a cake so the cupcakes cook faster. This answer is based on years of baking cakes and cupcakes.

How can you make cupcakes?

Cupcakes are made with a plain or fancy cake recipe. What makes them cupcakes is the pan that they're baked in, called a cupcake (or muffin) pan. The only difference between cake and cupcakes is the size and shape of the cake and the difference in baking time (the smaller units bake faster than a full size cake). See the links below for some basic recipes.

What is the difference between fairy cake and cup cake?

Well cupcakes are one with icing whereas muffins is without icing. Learn to draw cute cupcakes step by step with Parikshet and Kids Fun Learn Club. You can find their videos on Youtube and also they have their own website with all these video.

Are cupcakes the same as cake?

So far I have found that the difference is that cupcakes are smaller (one portion as opposed to a cake which must be cut into portion sizes, hence piece of cake rather than piece of cupcake), you can't put cream in cupcakes, and a cupcake has a muffin top. Not to mention that cupcakes are iced only on the top whereas cakes are iced on the top and sides. AND the cooking time is different -LuckyNumber07 Says... So you are saying the base of a cupcake and cake are the same. But the frosting on a cupcake is only on the top and on a cake the icing or frosting is on the sides too!! :) Not to mention cupcakes are smaller. Darn!! :) -LuckyNumber07 (\__/) (='.'=) (")_(")

Which will bake faster frozen cupcakes or unfrozen cupcakes?

As the frozen cupcakes will require extra time to defrost, the unfrozen cupcakes will bake faster.

What is the time difference between Toronto and negril Jamaica?

There is no time difference between them.

How many cupcakes does a local bakery shop make in a day?

I don't think that it's a high amount because most bakeries don't like wasting their time on cupcakes unless it is what they are known for (their specialty).

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