

Best Answer
  • Fast at the right times
  • Be selective in terms of animal you eat
  • Eat only halal meat
  • Make enquiries from where you buy your meat to confirm whether it is good according to Islam.
  • Don't eat any chips that are cooked in the same oil as the meat. For example, some cafes or restaurants cook their chips in the same oil as the sausages to save oil.
  • Be careful of where you eat
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They can go every day, but Friday is the most important day for them to go.

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Churches are for christians and mosques are for muslims. It is similar to a church and we also worship there but its called a mosque. There are services at the mosque five times a day every day, but most Muslims only go for Friday afternoon services.

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Muslims do not go to church. They go to the mosque or 'masjid' for prayers, which are done 5 times a day, every day. Muslims can either go to the masjid or pray at home or anywhere else. Friday is a special day of prayer on which many Muslims go to their mosque.

On what day do Muslims worship?

Muslim are obligated to pray 5 times EVERY DAY. It is a pillar in Islam! there holy day is Friday

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The study the Qur'an and study it almost every day.

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No way Why we are Muslims why should we go to Hindus temples and specially on Saturday - Muslims go to the masjid, or mosque, as many times as they please. Muslims pray at least five times a day. They may pray these prayers at home or at the masjid. They pray every day of the week, including Saturday.

Do Muslims have to go to the mosque every day?

No but you should attend the mosque on Fridays which is a similar day to ethe Christian Sunday

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What day do Muslims go to church?

The houses used for worship of Allah (god) are called masjeds or mosques. If a male can here the call to prayer then it is compulsery for him to go to the mosque for every 5 prayers EVERY DAY unless he is physically unable to do so, a women is not obligated to do so but may pray if she wishes. The most important day to pray in the mosque though is FRIDAY midday at dhuhr prayer time- which is the day muslims believe Adam was created.