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yes there is a punishment when Hindu eat beef well in the old days of course. the Hindu where very religeous and where respectful to there animals. they beleived in recarnation and part of that is turning into an animal. there punishment was either getting theree head chopped of or being forshed of the edge of a cliff.

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Q: Is there a punishment when a Hindu eats beef?
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What if a Hindu eats meat?

in Hinduism many opinion ban eating meat totally while some allow eating meat. But all people forbid eating beef or cowmeat.

What are expectations of being a Hindu?

being a Hindu you can not eat beef. You have to respect everyone & stay Peacefully.

What food Hindu cannot eat?

Beef. Hindus consider the cow and bull very holy

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No. This person who eats just the beef is at least a secondary consumer if not a third level consumer.

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A carnivore

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Yes, they eat pork but they don't eat beef.

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Good Eats - 1999 Corn the Beef 10-22 was released on: USA: 25 April 2007

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Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. This is England's traditional Sunday lunch.

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According to Hinduism Scriptures Hindu can eat any vegetables and fruits. Hindu is strictly forbidden to eat beef. However some Hindu are allowed to eat meat.

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prometheus did not escape punishment, Hercules saved him from it by slaying the eagle that eats his liver on a daily basis