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Yes, he is at risk for childhood obesity, early onset Diabetes, vascular problems, developmental problems etc.

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Q: Is there a problem if your 6 years old son eats a lot of chocolate?
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What should you do if a dog eats a lot of chocolate?

Call the vet so i does not get really sick and die.

What happens if dog eats a lot of dark chocolate?

First, dogs should not eat ANY chocolate let alone a lot of it. If a dog eats chocolate it gets sick and has a chance of dying because the cocoa in chocolate contains something that is very harmful to dogs.

My cat eats Chocolate is that natural?

Don't feed chocolate to your cat! Chocolate contains a substance called Theobromine. Different types of chocolate contain different levels of Theobromine. If your cat ate a lot of chocolate your cat should see a vet.

How dangerous is it if a dog eats chocolate?

It is very dangerous for a dog to eat chocolate it could die from eating lot of if u give it some its stomach might hurt after so don't even try giving the dog chocolate.

Dose eating to much chocolate give you zits?

Well, it depends on the average oil intake of the person. If its some one who eats a lot of oil....chocolate won't hurt. BUt if its some one who rarely has oil there is a chance. Though, people with a bad case of acne usually have other reasons than chocolate.

Your nipples get extremely hard when your boyfriend eats you out is this a problem or are you just enjoying it a lot?

It means the devil has taken control of your soul. Get to a church and have an exorcism immediately.

Are Chocolate phones better?

The chocolate touch phones have changed a great deal compared to 5 or 6 years ago. You can still get the basic models, but these days they sell a lot of the LG Smart Phone series with the Chocolate Touch line.

What is it call when a horse eats too much?

A horse that eats a lot

How much is a year supply of baby food?

well it depends on the baby! if it eats a lot then probably it will be a lot. if it eats a little then the chances are it won't be a lot.

Does mealworm beetle moults and eats a lot at its larval stage?

It eats a lot.It moults.Its body is divided into 3 segments.

What actors and actresses appeared in A Lot of Chocolate - 2009?

The cast of A Lot of Chocolate - 2009 includes: Jon Spencer as Man

How much money is chocolate?

The United Kingdom is a large consumer of chocolate. They eat about 605,000 tons of chocolate per year on average.